
Hi, I'm Jarek Web Developer

Passionate about coding beautiful things. Let's collaborate and create something amazing!

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< /Let's Meet >

Hello! My name is Jarek, and I am a web developer with a passion for creating innovative web solutions. For the past three years, I have been honing my skills by working on various projects that allow me to combine creativity with the latest technologies.

Programming is not just a profession for me; it's a way to fulfill my passion. My experience encompasses front-end and some design development, enabling me to create comprehensive and functional web applications.

I invite you to explore my portfolio, where you can find examples of my previous work. If you are looking for a dedicated and creative web developer who approaches every task with passion, feel free to contact me.

technology circuits lines

< /Recent Work >

React / Typescript

happy family sitting

Cooperation on the website Spełnij Marzenia

React / Typescript

landing page of website

Brand page for instagrammer stowidokow-home

Astro / React / Typescript

landing page of beauty clinic website

Local beauty salon Aloha Beauty Logic Clinic

Astro / React / Typescript

landing page of nicotione website

Website for an international supplier of liquid nicotine Hinic Poland

Astro / React / Typescript

landing page of firefighting website

Local company offering fire protection services MR-POŻ - Usługi PPOŻ

Astro / React / Typescript

landing page of speech therapist website

Website for local speech and pedagogy specialist Logo Lama

You can check my work also on

... / Other projects

React / Typescript

landing page

My first application written based on experience from the financial industry and drawing on knowledge from client work.

Helps to quickly calculate returns on both bank deposits and investment funds, without the need for online calculators. Try my app - Let's Count It.

Canva / Figma

set of e-book covers

Design and production of an interior design e-book for one of majors interior influencer in Poland.

A big challenge with this project was learning new tools such as Canva and Figma. The aforementioned e-books were a great addition to the website I created. - stowidokow.home

Canva / Figma / Photoshop

set of e-book covers

Cooperation on the development of the website resulted in the creation of 6 ebooks for the only housing lottery of its kind in Poland - Spełnij Marzenia.

Creating the graphics for the e-books allowed me to strengthen my skills as a graphic designer and contributed to a project in which winning the top prize helped to change the lives of people.

SCSS / JavaScript

landing page

Simple dashboard showing examples of social media statistics - Social Dashoboard.

One of the first challenges from Frontend Mentor, where I used a solution to change the light and dark colour of the background and elements on the page.


< /My Skillset >

" If You Are Going Through Hell, Keep Going "

Winston Churchill

Frameworks & CMS

  • ReactJS
  • AstroJS
  • WordPress
  • ExpressJS

Styling & Coding

  • HTML
  • CSS3
  • Sass
  • TypeScript
  • TailwindCSS

Dev Languages

  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • NodeJS


  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Figma
  • Canva


  • Vite
  • Webpack

Task Runners

  • Gulp

Learning New Skills - Stay Tuned

technology circuits lines
Contact Me

< /Get in Touch >

There are many ways to contact me. The choice is yours.

Let's Wrk Together